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沿海沿江城市地下开挖产生的工程渣土含泥量大、含水率高且较松散,主要运往渣土场进行堆填处置。由于产量巨大而处置场地有限,许多渣土场在运营过程中存在堆填速度快、缺乏排水设施、超高超库容堆填等问题,容易引发堆填体失稳事故。目前对于非饱和工程渣土堆体在快速堆填过程中的失稳机制认识尚不清晰,尤其是对这一过程中的高饱和度工程渣土强度增长规律缺乏足够的认识。以深圳红坳渣土场填料——花岗岩风化料(CDG)填土为研究对象,对不同初始饱和度土样进行三轴不排水不排气等向压缩和剪切试验,结果表明:非饱和CDG填土不排水抗剪强度随围压增大呈非线性增长,增长速率与试样初始饱和度密切相关;当土样压缩后的饱和度超过0.7,不排水强度随围压的增长速率显著降低。基于有效固结应力法的原理,结合Hilf孔压公式和修正剑桥模型,提出了一种工程渣土不排水抗剪强度估算方法,并通过与试验结果对比验证了该方法对初始饱和度高于0.6的CDG填土的适用性。利用该方法确定的不排水强度cu与正应力σn的关系可应用于高饱和度工程渣土快速堆填中的稳定性分析。  相似文献   
随着我国能源勘探及地球深部探测等向深部发展,深井越来越多,地层温度、压力越来越高。保证高温高压状态下钻井液流变性能的稳定是深井安全钻进的必要前提,测定钻井液高温高压流变性是评价和优选钻井液体系最基础的工作。依托国家科技部重大仪器设备开发专项,通过对压力控制系统、温度控制系统、剪率控制系统、粘度检测系统等方面技术难题的攻关,研制成功了国内首台超高温高压流变仪。该仪器可在高温高压及低温高压条件下对钻井液、完井液、压裂液等样品的流变性进行高精度测量。  相似文献   
由于静压桩沉桩后桩周土重塑,静压桩承载力表现出随着休止期的延长而增长的特性。本文从静压桩沉桩后桩周土体内孔隙水消散固结的角度出发,对静压桩承载力时间效应的理论和试验分别进行归纳,结合孔隙水消散路径及固结模型,对桩周土体初始超静孔隙水压力大小及其分布特征进行总结,分析承载力各种测试方法的优缺点,对静压桩承载力的时效性进行深化研究,并探讨了不同地质条件、不同桩的类型对休止期内静压桩承载力的影响,进一步对基于实测数据得出的经验公式进行总结。讨论了基于不同本构关系模型的应力场及位移场解答和沉桩后孔隙水压力消散解答,在此基础上总结了桩基极限承载力理论公式;探讨了黏性土、砂土条件下,考虑超固结比、不排水抗剪强度和塑性指数比对桩基极限承载力系数A的影响,在此基础上归纳了桩基极限承载力经验公式。建议在经验公式基础上设置多重参数,以提升经验公式的精确度,并完善对不同桩、土类型的参数解答;利用BP神经网络,导入静压桩承载力相关参数,以得到针对不同地质条件、桩型、休止期的承载力最优解。  相似文献   
时志强  王美玲  陈彬 《古地理学报》2021,23(6):1067-1081
中国北方烧变岩分布广泛,见于以昆仑山—秦岭—大别山为界的中国北方地区多个沉积盆地边缘,但地质学家对其研究较为薄弱。野外调查显示中国北方烧变岩主要以4种方式分布: (1)大面积连片分布,(2)沿山脉走向的线状分布,(3)沿河流下切河谷分布,(4)为第四系黄土覆盖。烧变岩主要为侏罗系、石炭—二叠系煤层自燃所致。各类型的烧变岩在中国烧变岩区不同程度发育,具瓷化结构、白化结构、烧熔结构、残余构造、气孔构造、微柱状节理、角砾状构造、垮塌构造、裂缝充填等结构和构造。其颜色以砖红色、赭红色、棕色、钢灰色最为典型,岩石中发育鳞石英、方石英、堇青石、铁堇青石、莫来石等典型高温矿物。中新世以来,中国西部、北部地区构造活动强烈,干旱气候加剧,烧变岩也主要形成于这一时期,但煤层自燃与构造运动、环境变化、古野火事件的耦合关系还鲜有提及,其所蕴含的各种地质信息值得在今后的研究中予以关注。  相似文献   
通过对福建省漳平市凤山矿区石墨矿近年来硐探、钻探等地质资料系统的梳理,在分析矿区地质特征和矿体特征的基础上,深入研究了石墨矿的控矿因素。研究认为该区石墨矿是由赋存于中二叠统童子岩组的无烟煤经过高温、高压作用进一步变质而成的。煤层受到岩浆热变质作用使碳物质(煤)分解,重新富集形成以隐晶质(土状)为主的隐晶质石墨矿,因此本区石墨矿的控矿因素是温度和构造。由于过往对福建煤系石墨资源的研究程度不够深入,造成大部分煤系石墨矿划归煤矿,致使石墨矿资源被浪费,本次通过野外地质勘查、采样样品测试等工作,确定了凤山矿区为煤系石墨矿,为下一步勘探工作提供有力依据,为合理开发利用矿产资源指明新的方向。  相似文献   
We constrain the multistage tectonic evolution of the Palaeoproterozoic UHT metamorphic(P=0.9–1.0 GPa,T>1000℃,t=2088–2031 Ma)Bakhuis Granulite Belt(BGB)in Surinam on the Guiana Shield,using large-to small-scale structures,Al-in-hornblende thermobarometry and published fluid inclusion and zircon geochronological data.The BGB forms a narrow,NE–SW striking belt between two formerly connected,~E–W oriented granite-greenstone belts,formed between converging Amazonian and West African continental masses prior to collision and Transamazonian orogeny.Inherited detrital zircon in BGB metasediments conforms agewise to Birimian zircon of West Africa and suggests derivation from the subsequently subducted African passive margin.Ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism may have followed slab break-off and asthenospheric heat advection.Peak metamorphic structures result from layer-parallel shearing and folding,reflecting initial transtensional exhumation of the subducted African margin after slab break-off.A second HT event involves intrusion,at ca.0.49 GPa,of charnockites and metagabbros at 1993–1984 Ma and a layered anorthosite at 1980 Ma,after the BGB had already cooled to<400℃.The event is related to northward subduction under the greenstone belts,along a new active margin to their south.A pronounced syntaxial bend in the new margin points northward towards the BGB and is likely the result of indentation by an anticlinorial flexural bulge of the subducting plate.Tearing of the subducting oceanic plate along this bulge explains why the charnockites are restricted to the BGB.The BGB subsequently experienced doming under an extensional detachment exposed in its southwestern border zone.Exhumation was focused in the BGB as a result of the flexural bulge in the subducting plate and localised heating of the overriding plate by charnockite magmatism.The present,straight NE–SW long-side boundaries of the BGB are superimposed mylonite zones,overprinted by pseudotachylites,previously dated at ca.1200 Ma and 950 Ma,respectively.The 1200 Ma mylonites reflect transpressional popping-up of the BGB,caused by EW-directed intraplate principal compressive stresses from Grenvillian collision preserved under the eastern Andes.Further exhumation of the BGB involved the 950 Ma pseudotachylite decorated faulting,and Phanerozoic faulting along reactivated Meso-and Neoproterozoic lineaments.  相似文献   
Knowledge of pore-water pressure(PWP)variation is fundamental for slope stability.A precise prediction of PWP is difficult due to complex physical mechanisms and in situ natural variability.To explore the applicability and advantages of recurrent neural networks(RNNs)on PWP prediction,three variants of RNNs,i.e.,standard RNN,long short-term memory(LSTM)and gated recurrent unit(GRU)are adopted and compared with a traditional static artificial neural network(ANN),i.e.,multi-layer perceptron(MLP).Measurements of rainfall and PWP of representative piezometers from a fully instrumented natural slope in Hong Kong are used to establish the prediction models.The coefficient of determination(R^2)and root mean square error(RMSE)are used for model evaluations.The influence of input time series length on the model performance is investigated.The results reveal that MLP can provide acceptable performance but is not robust.The uncertainty bounds of RMSE of the MLP model range from 0.24 kPa to 1.12 k Pa for the selected two piezometers.The standard RNN can perform better but the robustness is slightly affected when there are significant time lags between PWP changes and rainfall.The GRU and LSTM models can provide more precise and robust predictions than the standard RNN.The effects of the hidden layer structure and the dropout technique are investigated.The single-layer GRU is accurate enough for PWP prediction,whereas a double-layer GRU brings extra time cost with little accuracy improvement.The dropout technique is essential to overfitting prevention and improvement of accuracy.  相似文献   
2018年7月27~28日凉山州地区出现了持续性的强降水天气过程,本文运用水平分辨率为1°×1°的NECP6小时再分析资料、新型监测资料及常规观测资料进行分析。发现此次过程不同于常规的降水过程,环流背景上受副高外围的东南气流和热带气旋形成的东风波倒槽共同作用形成的急流轴影响,为降水地提供充足的水汽和能量补充,从而形势上形成了热带气旋远距离降水,同时副热带高压的稳定维持也阻挡了高原上的低值系统快速东移,使得降水机制长时间停滞,对降水地造成影响。  相似文献   
Grampian migmatites in the Buchan Block,NE Scotland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Rocks exposed along the Scottish coast between Fraserburgh and Inzie Head contain information critical to understanding the evolution of the Buchan Block, the type locality for low‐P, high‐T regional metamorphism, and its relationship with the rest of the Grampian terrane, one of the major tectonostratigraphic components of the Scottish Caledonides. The ~8 km long section traverses a regional network of shear zones and, at the highest grades around Inzie Head, passes into the core of the Buchan Anticline, a large‐scale open fold that is commonly regarded as a late structure, post‐dating metamorphism. The metasedimentary rocks increase in grade from upper amphibolite to granulite facies and preserve unequivocal evidence for partial melting. The diatexite migmatites around Inzie Head, along with other gneissose units within the Buchan Block, have been regarded as allochthonous Precambrian basement rocks that were thrust into their current position during the Grampian orogenesis. However, field observations show that the onset of in situ partial melting in metapelitic rocks, which was associated with the formation of garnet‐bearing aplites and associated pegmatites, occurred around Fraserburgh, where shear fabrics are absent. Thus, the rocks preserve a continuous metamorphic field gradient that straddles the shear zone network. This observation supports an alternative interpretation that anatexis was the result of mid‐Ordovician (Grampian) metamorphism, rather than an older tectonothermal event, and that the Inzie Head gneisses are autochthonous. Using an average mid‐Dalradian pelite as a plausible representative protolith, phase equilibria modelling satisfactorily reproduces the observed appearance and disappearance of key minerals providing that peritectic garnet produced with the first formed melts (represented by the garnet‐bearing aplites) depleted the source rocks in Mn. The modelled metamorphic field gradient records a temperature increase of at least 150 °C (from ~650 °C near Fraserburgh to in excess of 800 °C at Inzie Head) but is isobaric at pressures of 2.7–2.8 kbar, suggesting the Buchan Anticline developed synchronous with partial melting. The Buchan Anticline is likely an expression of crustal thinning and asthenospheric upwelling, which produced voluminous gabbroic intrusions that supplied the heat for Buchan metamorphism.  相似文献   
The island of Seram, part of the northern limb of the Banda Arc in eastern Indonesia, exposes an extensive Mio‐Pliocene granulite facies migmatite complex (the Kobipoto Complex) comprising voluminous leucosome‐rich diatexites and scarcer Al–Fe‐rich residual granulites. The migmatites are intimately associated with ultramafic rocks of predominantly lherzolitic composition that were exhumed by substantial lithospheric extension beneath low‐angle detachment faults; heat supplied by the lherzolites was evidently a major driver for the granulite facies metamorphism and accompanying anatexis. Residual garnet–sillimanite granulites sampled from the Kobipoto Mountains, central Seram, contain scarce garnet‐hosted inclusions of hercynite spinel (~1.5 wt% ZnO) + quartz (± ilmenite) in direct grain‐boundary contact – an assemblage potentially indicative of metamorphism under ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) conditions. thermocalc ‘Average PT’ reactions and melanosome‐specific thermocalc , TMO, and PT pseudosections in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3 (NCKFMASHTO) chemical system, supported by Ti‐in‐garnet thermobarometry, are permissive of the rock having experienced a clockwise PT path peaking at 925 °C and 9 kbar – thus narrowly reaching UHT conditions – before undergoing near‐isothermal decompression to ~750 °C and ~4 kbar. Spinel + quartz assemblages are interpreted to have formed at or just after the metamorphic peak from localized reactions between sillimanite, ilmenite and surrounding garnet. Further decompression of the rock resulted in the formation of complex reaction microstructures comprising cordierite ± plagioclase coronae around garnet, and symplectic intergrowths of cordierite + spinel + ilmenite around sillimanite. Small grains of sapphirine + corundum developed subsequently within spinel by localized quartz‐absent reactions. The post‐peak evolution of the granulites may be related to previously published U–Pb zircon and 40Ar/39Ar ages of c. 16 Ma, further substantiating the claim for the Kobipoto Complex granulites having recorded Earth's youngest‐identified episode of UHT metamorphism, albeit at slightly lower temperature and higher pressure than previously inferred. The Kobipoto Complex granulites demonstrate how UHT conditions may be achieved in the ‘modern’ Earth by extreme lithospheric extension, which, in this instance, was driven by slab rollback of the Banda Arc.  相似文献   
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